Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Rainbow Warriors and the African wild

So what a crazy week it turned out to be in football. I know it’s been over a week since we last spoke and things certainly have changed... I’m a bit slack when it comes to getting things in on time. I’m South African, and more importantly I’m from a certain town on the east coast where things are done at a leisurely pace. It’s seems though that I could however serve on the mighty board of the one and only SAFA. I mean who forgot to send that letter through claiming the commercial rights to the “Bafana Bafana” brand. “I thought I left it with you”, was followed by almost 20 years of head scratching. It’s probably been used to level out the desk for all of the revolving door of chairman we’ve had over the preceding years. So get this. NOW, they decide, “HELL! We’ll just change the name” Ooooh, good idea. “AND, we’ll get the public to choose it!” Brilliant. I think they over estimate the public, and the public underestimates the stupidity of the people in charge of football in this country. But then again, am I shocked? They’ve been slowly eradicating the springbok from the game. 

In the end though it comes down to money, what else is there in a game like football? There’s no passion, no honour, no loyalty, at least not from the players, the trigger happy chairman and the corrupt leaders of the world game. There is from the fans, at least Liverpool fans. Unless you’re poor old Roy Hodgson. But what did he expect in these times, Hughton and Di Matteo lost their jobs and they were doing theirs much better than you? Meireles, not a bad signing. Couldn’t be happier that he scored and not Luis Suarez with his hand or a Fernando Torres own goal. A mind bending bet was placed late Saturday night and thankfully none of those two events occurred. Sorry, I tend to get carried away with things red. But we won’t make it all about my reds, let us look at the others. 

Arsenal. Seriously? A four goal lead? They never seem to amaze me by their naivety at the back, and all over the field for that matter. Bad decisions, but you gave them a chance, you don’t do it to those bloodthirsty Geordies. You give them a sniff and next second they’re ripping you apart like a pack of Hyena’s who can smell the weakness, sweating out the pores of a nervous animal. Man Utd also slipped on a carnivorous animal, those damned Wolves. Upset after upset with those fellas. That league never ceases to amaze, 1st vs last, it’s almost as if its scripted M.Night Shamalan (The one that wrote Sixth Sense and not The Happening. Well nothing much to say on the Sunday game, that hasn’t been said before. It’s over it’s done, we won, we celebrated, all without Torres/Carroll/Suarez. Were they really worth all that money? Was it worth an operating loss for the year of 88 million quid (sorry I can’t find the pound sign on this damn American keyboard) Dear Americans, we don’t like you. You know nothing about the rest of the world. Although I do have a leopard in my back garden. It’s actually quite concerning, he lives in our Avo tree. We’ve already lost two of our cattle to him. Oh to live in the suburbs. And football is called FOOT... BALL, not soccer. You kick a ball with your foot, why you gotta be difficult? Off to kick a ball. Enjoy the “Rainbow Warriors” vs Kenya tonight, thanks again SAFA for that one. Til tomorrow, (probably next week)

Vegas out

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